
Saturday 20 June 2015

Ki-o-rahi Tournament

Kia ora Koutou

Last Tuesday (16th), the Stoke Cluster Schools (Nga Waka e Whitu) celebrated Matariki by holding a Ki-o-rahi tournament. Matariki is about reconnecting with whanau and friends, and sharing kai, so after the games were played, the students, teachers and parents shared pizza.

Birchwood school entered two teams: both did really well. There were too many MVPs to name: every Birchwood student played hard but fair, gave it their best shot, and had a fun time. You can be proud of the excellent behavior from our students, who showed the Birchwood Way all day.

We didn’t hold finals- that wasn’t the point of the day. As one teacher said, “Today isn’t about finals, or winners or losers. It’s about coming together and having fun.” After pizza lunch, everybody played on Broadgreen’s amazing playground.

Thanks to all the parents and whanau who came to watch and support our teams, and a special thank you to Nevin, Sarah, Nicky, and Cheryl. We can’t do things like this without parent help.

Nga Mihi

Damian Hardman

 "Yes". The others agree.

 Rosa chasing down and about to RIP!

 This guy has no chance.

 Connor is in agreement.

 Much agreement.

 Bailey isn't sure....
 Josh defies gravity.

 <Insert something clever>

 After the games, thanking everyone.

 The cornerstone of a healthy diet.

 "Yes, it IS supposed to look like that."

 Replacing lost minerals and essential cheeses.

 Our teams.

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